Mission Goals

  • Since protection of children is the primary goal of Tranquilidad Foundation, staff will undergo a pre-employment criminal and psychological screening as well as be required to attend parenting and abuse prevention classes.

  • Although, the children initially lived in an institution style home beginning in 2015, the goal was to build single family homes and recruit foster families with whom the children can live in a family setting. As of October 2020, three homes were completed; and three families had been called to serve with us as foster parents. As of October 5, 2020, all nine of the foundation children had moved into foster families. A fourth house was completed in May of 2021 and awaits the next family whom God will call to join in our mission.

  • Nutritious meals are essential to a child’s development thus each foster family is given a monthly stipend to enable them to provide well balanced meals. All children will receive regular medical and oral hygiene exams and receive age appropriate vaccinations.

  • The original home, when emptied of children, was converted into a school for our own children and those of our foster families. We are using tutors to homeschool the children. In the wake of COVID school closures, this has provided our children with a face-to-face learning opportunity. Our first kindergarten graduation occurred in November of 2021, with our first ‘babies’ all turning 6 and completing their first year of formal education. Classes are given starting at age 3 for preschool through “Primer Curso” (9th grade) or to a level appropriate for each child’s aptitude and ability. Upon completion of their primary education, each child will enter one of the following programs:

    • Apprenticeship program with a local tradesman, farmer, or small business owner

    • Enrollment in a technical school

    • Enrollment in a Bachelor Degree program

  • The family care program is designed to provide a loving and secure environment for the children. Psychological counseling and social work services will be provided as needed.

  • The children will participate in family devotionals, will learn Christian values and the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ and attend Sunday services at a local church. Each Sunday morning, the families participate in an hour of Sunday School in which the children all participate in leading different activities like prayer, singing, memorized scripture, and taking up the offering.

  • The children will be provided daily free play and occasional field trips to nearby locations. Within the property, the children will also be taught how to cultivate and grow produce, as well as learn respect for animals and the environment.

  • Now that our children are older, we have begun to do outreach into remote villages. Our goals are:

    • To teach our children there is joy in giving.

    • To provide our children the opportunity to share from their resources with children who have less than they do.

    • To understand the provisions they receive due to the generosity of our donors.

    • To share the love of Jesus wherever we go and with whomever we interact.

Construction Goals

  • With the assistance of Rotary International, Tranquilidad now has a deep well that will provide potable water for the facilities.

  • Purchase of a transformer and other necessary equipment now provides the property with electricity.

    A backup generator was purchased and installed in 2015 to ensure power during the frequent outages. We are grateful for a second generator that was donated in 2021 and was installed in 2022 that will serve our family homes during power outages.

  • The lower level was completed in September 2017 and the founding missionaries moved on site. The upper level was completed in May of 2018 and houses mission partners and visitors as needed.

  • As God provides families who are willing to join us a mission partners, we trust in His provision for the funds needed to build homes. We currently (Abril 2022) have four homes. In order to continue to care for more children, we will need to build more homes in the future.